General presentation

Website publication manager : Fabrice SABRAN
LAZARE INVEST IMMO, SARL with capital of 434 000 €
820 618 940 RCS Nantes
APE code : 6831Z

Intracommunity VAT number: FR 33 820 618 940
Company headquarters : 145 Route de la Gare – 44120 VERTOU
Phone : 09 86 87 17 08

Membership to the profession issued by the “Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Nantes – Saint-Nazaire” (Nantes – Saint-Nazaire Chamber of Industry and Commerce).
Transactions (excluding fund-holding) and Property management. CPI number: 4101 2016 000 010 194 :

   - Civil & professional (Transactions and Property management) liability insurance:
MMA IARD – 14, boulevard Marie et Alexandre Oyon – 72030 LE MANS CEDEX 9 – FRANCE
   - Financial guarantor limited to 1.200.000 € for property management and limited to 120.000 € for transaction :
GALIAN – 89, rue de la Boétie – 75008 PARIS – FRANCE

Insurance Agent registered with ORIAS under number 24001153 :
   - Holder of professional civil liability insurance with the MMA IARD Company located at 14 boulevard Marie et Alexandre Oyon – 72030 LE MANS CEDEX 9 under policy number 127 103 751; contract covering the following geographical area: France and Europe. 

Web Hosting

9 boulevard de l'Europe
44330 Vallet
RCS Nantes 841 458 342 |

French Data Protection Act (of 6 January 1978)

You have a right to access and correct all personal information that may concern you. For any questions relating to the use of this personal information, you may use  our  Contact form .


This website is protected by copyright. The related intellectual property rights remain the exclusive property of Lazare Invest Immo. All elements including text, images, photographs, illustrations, music and sound on the website and on those of its partners, as well as the logos found there, are trademarks. The use of this website gives you no specific rights. For this reason, you may only download the text, images, sounds, photographs, data and all other elements that it contains to strictly private ends. Any re-use, circulation, commercialisation, reproduction and representation, whether total or in part, of the elements contained on the site to ends that are not strictly private, without the prior consent of Lazare Invest Immo, is forbidden and is thus liable to constitute an infringement on copyright and/or similar rights.

Site content

Lazare Invest Immo reserves the right to correct, at any time and without prior notice, the content of this site. In addition, Lazare Invest Immo declines any responsibility in case of late updates, mistakes or omissions relating to the content of the present pages, as it does in the event of interruption or unavailability of the service.


The creation of hyperlinks to the   https://www.lazar​  website does not, in any way, engage the responsibility of Lazare Invest Immo. In the same way, hyperlinks established to other websites from  do not, in any way or form, engage the responsibility of Lazare Invest Immo .

Graphical and technical design  : Art-UP – Studio de création
Web Develoment : ASY Group Invest
Web Hosting : Kerway
Photos credits : Fotolia, Ingimage.